Welcome to the Murder Diaries Podcast hosts. How are you both doing? I know this is probably routine at this point but can you tell us more about who you are, where you are from – all of that good stuff!
N: Natalie here; I’m one half of The Murder Diaries. True crime found me early on in life. My aunt’s friend, Linda, was murdered in 1995. I distinctly remember her helping search for Linda, going to the funeral, and attending court proceedings. However, I didn’t learn all the details until I was older. Then I started reading true crime books and researching cases on my own. I needed to know why— why do people kill, and why are the victims disproportionately women. As I’ve gotten older, those whys have turned into another question: how can I share these stories while honoring the lives of the victims? Storytelling has always been a major facet of my life. I worked on a soap opera for years, co-created an 8-episode web series, and sold short stories for a living, but it wasn’t until I learned the power of podcasting that I honed my skills as a writer to bring awareness to those in need of justice.
P: Hi! I’m Paige, Co-host and Co-creator of the Murder Diaries Podcast. I found true crime at an early age growing up in the 90s with shows like Unsolved Mysteries, America’s Most Wanted, and Rescue 911. Not to mention the tragic case of Jon Benet and the televised OJ Simpson trial. As an adult my interest in true crime and heart for the cause of ending violence against women only grew. I have a background in psychology and public service that only fuels this drive. A fun fact about me would be that I come from a large family. My mom is one of 9 children, and my dad one of 4. I have many amazing Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins, along with my 3 siblings. I became an aunt a young age, and hold that title with pride. Between both my husband’s side of the family and mine, we have 13 nieces and nephews!
We love crime podcasts – who doesn’t! Do you ever get freaked out covering cases? How would you say it affects your personal life?
Definitely! It can be nerve-wracking covering active cases because you never know who’s listening. Is the unidentified offender listening to our coverage of the case? It’s a possibility. However, we take our personal safety seriously and are vigilant about what information we give out online.
We love that you not only started and run this podcast but you are entrepreneurs. What can you share with anyone scared to take the leap but has a business idea they want to pursue?
We’ve learned that the secret to making podcasting work for us is: Balance, balance, balance. It has definitely been a learning curve balancing 9-5 jobs with a podcast. You have to take your podcast seriously and be consistent.
Since your podcast has been so successful have you had any thoughts of starting another?
Yes! We have some other projects in the works, but we can’t talk publicly about the details just yet. We’re looking forward to sharing with our listeners soon though!
Now something fun – What is your favorite show you are watching right now?
N: Outlander and Peaky Blinders— two great shows!
P: I just finished season 2 of Bridgerton and I loved it so much. The Flight Attendant on HBO just started a new season and it’s really good ! Also, I just started The First Ladies on ShowTime and wow. Just wow.
Do you set goals every year for the podcast? Tell us more about what goes into the planning of the podcast if you don’t mind.
We do! We are always practicing gratitude for where we are, but dreaming and working toward the future of the podcast as well. With the podcast we have the weekly planning of every episode. We research for the upcoming episode and once that’s ready we record. On top of that we every week to discuss the buisness side of the podcast: What sponsorships are coming up, how our downloads are doing, and what the podcast’s needs are at that time. We also make sure to keep in contact with out team to make sure each week, each episode of The Murder Diaries is flawless.
Where can we find more of the two of you and listen to the podcast?
You can find The Murder Diaries on all podcast platforms. Spotify, Apple Podcast, iHeart, Pandora… you name it!
Social media:
- Tik Tok: @Themurderdiariespod
- Instagram: @Themuderdiariespod
- Our website: TheMurderdiariespodcast.com