Alia Bhatt, a Bollywood Actress, is the Face of the Newest Gucci Eyewear Campaign

In the Gucci Eyewear spring-summer campaign, creative director Sabato De Sarno is joined by Vittoria Ceretti and global brand ambassadors Alia Bhatt and Ni Ni.

Through their collaboration, the campaign hopes to effectively connect with the audience and attract the attention of the fashion industry, thereby increasing Gucci Eyewear’s brand visibility.

The strategy attempts to showcase the companies’ eyewear as an object of want for consumers, evoking feelings of luxury, style, and refinement.

Target audiences for the campaign are those who are interested in luxury eyeglasses or who belong to particular demographic or market sectors.

A number of crucial components make up the marketing strategy, such as multichannel campaigning, storytelling and narrative, and celebrity endorsement.

In order to reach customers across a range of platforms and touch points, it implemented a multichannel strategy. Print and digital media, including webpages and social media, were included in this.

 Alia Bhatt stated,  “The collaboration felt like a big moment in my life, not just because I am the first Indian global brand ambassador, but because it signified GUCCI’s interest in India. The brand wanted a face that resonated with a demographic interested in fashion, which was a huge moment for me and for India. It happened quickly, with my first appearance and announcement occurring just two months after initial conversations.”