Dr. Marjan Assefi, and Dr. Soheila Nankali Told us about Infants and Tcells

Dr. Marjan Assefi is truly an autonomous master and a remarkable Inspiration, multitalented capable unequivocally arranged in the space of Nanotechnology and Biology; she is an essayist and worldwide speaker in her field. Dr. Soheila Nankali is an MD, Gynecologist, and Surgeon; she is an Continue Reading

Meet KB “The Playmaker” Barrell The Man Who is Responsible For Bringing Street Teamwork Back To The Music Industry

In the age of digital promotion and marketing one very important factor that all major music labels are now coming to understand is that…”Visual street promotion and marketing techniques are part of the promotional future.” In the late 90’s throughout 2010 Rap music street promotion Continue Reading

What Are the Skills Needed To Become a Wedding Planner? | Direct Tips From Expert Imtazur Rahman

Certification is not required for someone to market themselves as a wedding planner. But that doesn’t mean that you will be hired (either by venues that want event planners on their payroll or directly by clients) if you don’t have the required skills to become Continue Reading

“The Toughest Indian Police Service officer”. IPS Dr S.Pandian Rajkumar, the most respected IPS officer in India and an inspiration for millions

San Francisco, California – (July,18, 2021) Though Dr.S.Pandian Rajkumar IPS had other better avenues and career prospects, he purposefully preferred his passion driven profession of Indian Police Service to serve the people with courage, commitment and compassion. His service record would amply testify that he Continue Reading

BARTERUNIT® – The New Multinational Barter-Exchange, Alternative Digital Currency and Payment Settlement System

BarterUnit LLC, a rapidly growing American fintech startup, has developed and launched an alternative digital currency – called the Barter Unit. But what is the Barter Unit exactly? The Barter Unit is a unique alternative digital currency, outlined to produce economic growth and development in all communities Continue Reading