BARTERUNIT® – The New Multinational Barter-Exchange, Alternative Digital Currency and Payment Settlement System

BarterUnit LLC, a rapidly growing American fintech startup, has developed and launched an alternative digital currency – called the Barter Unit. But what is the Barter Unit exactly? The Barter Unit is a unique alternative digital currency, outlined to produce economic growth and development in all communities and to specifically administer economic equality, freedom and security worldwide.

Phillip H. Perez, CEO and Timothy White, President of the Barter Unit establishment, together are dedicated to stimulate international trade and global economic growth and development by introducing the Barter Unit as an alternative digital currency to all government-sponsored settlement systems.

“Barter Units are an alternative source of capital to supplement the scarcity of the official currencies. They are designed to guarantee all people the provisions of basic needs and aspirations, that are tragically unmet by government-sponsored currencies without geographical or political borders or restraints,” says White.

“Barter Units are used as an alternative digital currency to facilitate the exchange of goods and services between parties without spending government- sponsored currencies. It is a new multinational financial payment settlement system, reshaping and improving economies by strategically countering the inefficiencies, inequalities and corruption that have disproportionately plagued our existing global monetary systems,” says Perez.

With global participation from the Middle East, Asia, South East Asia, Europe and the Americas, and with the highest levels of confidence and transparency applied, Perez and White have successfully inspired many communities worldwide to respect and adopt the Barter Unit as a new alternative digital currency and alternative payment settlement system.

“What started as a non-commercial barter-exchange platform has now developed into a multinational barter-exchange marketplace, e-commerce platform and global digital currency enterprise,” says Perez.

In addition, BarterUnit LLC has also confirmed it has implemented a social media sharing platform enabling users to monetize by simply posting images, videos, microblogs and interactive podcasts. Users can now easily toggle between the barter-exchange marketplace and their personal social media platform.

The Barter Unit mobile application can easily be found and downloaded for free in the Apple and GooglePlay stores.