Brands making global privacy changes ahead of CCPA in 2020

CCPA is coming in 2020 and with it comes a whole new era of data protection rules for businesses of all sizes.

Ahead of next year’s rollout of the California Consumer Privacy Act, companies like Google, Twitter and Microsoft have been taking strides to align their data collection and processing practices in line with the new requirements of CCPA. CCPA in itself is specific to the state of California, however, many businesses hold data in multiple data centers around the United States, and therefore, have to consider the implications of transferring data between servers in different regions.

At the end of the day, companies operating with a global footprint and with a customer base in California should strongly consider applying the regulations across the board to simplify internal processes.

Twitter just recently updated its global privacy policy so that users will understand more about how their data is being used by advertisers. The company also recently updated its global privacy policy and asked all users to accept the changes to comply with CCPA in 2020. Users that don’t log in after some time will automatically be deleted.

Google also this month, updated its privacy and security settings, and Microsoft embraced CCPA across its whole company.

Manufacturers of data security devices such as Verity Systems have seen a large increase in demand for data erasure solutions too. With companies needing to erase their data more securely, and avoid hefty fines, one of the most important aspects of these new laws is auditing where data is being transferred and stored. And once stored, how it is also being removed – safely and securely.

Will CCPA lead to a strengthening in data security for both employees and consumers?