Interview with Gaurav Gulati: 5 Tips for Building a Strong Personal Brand in 2020

I recently had an opportunity to interview Asia’s No.1 personal branding and brand engagement consultant Gaurav Gulati. He is also active as a strategist, offering his expertise to famous people throughout the world, including many artists, models, executives, professionals, CEOs, politicians and celebrities, etc. This Continue Reading

$280-Million Dollar Emerald Lost in California Fire Damage According to Insurance Claim

Pacific Gas and Electric Company are reviewing a claim that a rare, 500-pound emerald perished in the 2018 ‘Camp Fire’. In fact, the emerald in question is so rare, it might not even exist. The idea may have even come from a shoddy list of Continue Reading

Meet Network Marketing Expert Andreas Matuska, who is also a Life-Changing Motivational Speaker

If you get the secret of earning six-figure in life from a millionaire, will you believe it? Well, no one will, but when you meet and influencer and motivational speaker, you can get that positive vibe and energy and path of moving your life to Continue Reading

Manish Singh “Youngest Digital Entrepreneur and Marketing Guru”, Nominated for the Youngest Millionaire in India

What if I say A boy who is just 20 doing college from Delhi Technical Campus – IP university earning in eight-figures. Will you believe it? Well, I know many of you will ask how it is possible. It is not pretended, its real Manish Continue Reading

White Palace Celebrates Diwali with Shri Govind Bhai T. Patel

The White palace Diwali Celebration under the name of ‘Lights and Unites’ in their message to the Community White Palace Dhamdachha had invited people from different communities and had Diwali fireworks, dance, and a speech from Guests. Shri Govindbhai T. Patel is the Director of Continue Reading