For 6G and 7G connectivity, a working prototype light-based semiconductor chip has been developed

By affixing the required electronic and photonic chiplets to the die in a manner akin to how children assemble Lego plastic brick toys, a functional prototype of the chip measuring 0.2 by 0.2 inches (5mm by 5mm) was produced. Both the RF bandwidth and the signal accuracy at high frequencies were improved by using the photonic components on a conventional circuit board.

Using microwave filters, conventional chips filter out signals that fall outside of their frequency range. A microwave photonic filter can be added to a light-based chip to help fine-tune the component and enable it to connect with signals at particular frequencies. This is significant because it makes it possible for the component to gather more precise information.

“Microwave photonic filters play a crucial role in modern communication and radar applications, offering the flexibility to precisely filter different frequencies, reducing electromagnetic interference and enhancing signal quality,” says Ben Eggleton, senior vice chancellor for research at the University of Sydney.

The Global Systems for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA) states that 6G should operate at higher frequencies, between 7GHz and 15GHz. This is where photonics technology becomes useful, as it enables mobile devices to operate in mmWave bands higher than 30GHz.

To sum up, these prototype communications chips will have much larger radio frequency bandwidth capabilities. Additionally, they will be able to completely remove high-band interference thanks to the microwave photonic filter. This is significant because high-band frequencies are more likely to cause interference because they are higher energy and travel shorter distances than other frequencies.

At least seven more years remain until 6G launches, and by then, this technology might not even be ready or a new breakthrough could be developed. Nonetheless, it appears that photonic light-based communications chips should be watched closely for use in mobile devices.