Google and Reddit Reached an Agreement for AI Training Data

As part of their recent collaboration, Reddit is providing Google with AI training data. Reddit said in an update on Thursday that it will begin offering Google “more efficient ways to train models.”

Google will get access to Reddit’s data API through the partnership, which provides real-time material from Reddit’s site. In addition to giving Google “an efficient and structured way to access the vast corpus of existing content on Reddit,” this will enable the corporation to incorporate Reddit content into new product displays.

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman hinted that the company might look for similar revenue-generating agreements in the future when he said, “The API usage is about covering costs and data licensing is a new potential business for us,” in an interview with The Verge last year regarding Reddit’s API changes and the protests that followed.

Reddit will now have access to Vertex AI, Google’s AI-powered solution designed to assist businesses enhance their search engine rankings, thanks to the relationship. According to Reddit, the modification has no bearing on the conditions of the company’s data API, which forbid developers or businesses from using it for profit without authorization.

Reddit and an unidentified AI company reportedly reached a $60 million training agreement just last week, according to a Bloomberg story. In order to facilitate browsing through results from sites featuring human interaction, such as Reddit, Stack Overflow, and Hacker News, Google Search is now expanding the test of a “forums” filter.

Even with this agreement, Reddit and Google haven’t always agreed. Because it was worried that businesses would use its data to train AI models for free, Reddit has previously threatened to stop Google from scanning its website. Reddit is expected to make this adjustment as part of its attempt to increase its valuation, which stood at more than $10 billion in 2021. Reddit is also expected to announce its first public offering in the upcoming weeks.