Microsoft will coordinate with Chrome with more continuous Edge refreshes

Microsoft will change to a four-week release cycle for stable builds of Edge not long from now. It intends to move to that schedule beginning with Edge 94, which ought to show up in September.

Recently, Google reported that Chrome would move to that cycle with Chrome 94 (which should drop in the second from last quarter) as part of a push to release new features quicker. Right now, stable Chrome constructs arise every six weeks or so. Chrome and Edge are both dependent on Chromium, so it makes sense for Microsoft to embrace a similar schedule.

Microsoft noticed that the four-week cycle probably won’t be ideal for everybody. Enterprise clients will have an Extended Stable option, through which Microsoft will carry out significant Edge updates every eight weeks. It will in any case give fortnightly security updates to the individuals who pick that option. Google will offer a comparable Extended Stable alternative to its enterprise clients.

The upcoming schedule change will align Edge and Chrome with Firefox. That browser received a four-week release cycle in mid 2020.