Apple purportedly slashes AirPods production as competition from Samsung, Xiaomi increases

Apple has decreased planned production of its AirPods wireless headphones by 25 to 35 million units this year, or around 25 to 30%. The decrease comes as sales debilitate and competition from Asian adversaries strengthens, as per a report published Wednesday by the Nikkei Asia. Continue Reading

Lionel Messi won’t track down a preferable home over Barcelona, says Pep Guardiola

Enthusiasm Guardiola has been discussing Lionel Messi in the midst of speculation over the captain’s future and says the Argentine will “not find a better home” than Barcelona. Another report this week has asserted Paris Saint-Germain have made Messi an offer, albeit the 33-year-old isn’t Continue Reading

Amazon is growing its service that allows delivery to individuals drop off groceries in your garage

Amazon is extending its service that allows conveyance to individuals drop off food supplies inside your carport. The organization declared Tuesday that the service is presently accessible for all Prime individuals where grocery delivery is accessible, or in excess of 5,000 cities across the U.S. Continue Reading