An Australian startup produces a two-headed space camera

A dual-headed camera system for space-based space surveillance is being developed by Australian startup Infinity Avionics. Canberra-based Infinity Avionics is collaborating with the University of New South Wales Canberra Space and Australian startup Nominal Systems to develop technology to autonomously detect space objects, with funding Continue Reading

When identical twins experimented with plant based and omnivore diets in just 8 weeks the vegans were biologically younger and healthier

The latest diet war has seen omnivores- vegans emerge victorious, as demonstrated by a head-to-head study that compared the two eating styles using identical twins. The research, which was published on November 30 in JAMA Network Open, found that eating a vegan diet was associated Continue Reading

OnePlus affirms key OnePlus 12 specs, including the arrival of remote charging

The OnePlus 12 is set to be disclosed in only a couple of days, and in conventional OnePlus style, we’re stretching out specs and subtleties beyond the proper presentation. That incorporates another breakdown of some key OnePlus 12 specs and elements, including the arrival of Continue Reading

This picture taker uncovers Hong Kong’s animals of the evening

(CNN) — A green pit snake looped around a drainpipe, three blue-grouped honey bees resting on a grass sharp edge, and a gecko climbing a tree against the setting of a clamoring city. They’re all essential for Hong Kong-English untamed life picture taker Lawrence Hylton’s Continue Reading

Huge 1.5-foot-long rat captured on trap video. See photo

The University of Melbourne reports that the species was only recognised from one physical specimen and was first identified in 2017.Researchers from the University of Melbourne, the Solomon Islands National University, and Zaira Village, Vangunu, have captured images of the massive, highly endangered Uromys vika, Continue Reading

Making the switch to a healthier diet could extend your life by ten years. In a study, three foods appeared to have the greatest impact.

Changing from an undesirable to a solid eating regimen in middle age could add very nearly 10 years to an individual’s life, another review recommends. The review, distributed Monday in Nature Food, depended on a model used to gauge what way of life changes could Continue Reading

Add these eight nutrient-dense seeds to your diet on a regular basis to strengthen your immunity.

When it comes to building a strong immune system, seeds are one of nature’s most powerful small-but-effective remedies. These nutrient-dense superfoods, which are bursting with vital nutrients and antioxidants, are crucial for bolstering your body’s defences. A small handful of soaked or roasted seeds has Continue Reading