Quezzy the CEO: The Inner Voice I Never Knew I Needed

In the middle of November 2018, out of nowhere, I received a follower request on Instagram. The profile photo showed a handsome man, well-groomed and wearing a suit. Like all requests, I had to check out his page first. Instantly, I could not help but notice that this man who was saying he was promoting positivity was also openly admitting he was a former pimp! Why would any woman trust a pimp? Not one to initially judge books by their covers,  I read through five or six of his posts and I decided to accept his follower request and followed him in return. I quickly found myself looking forward to his posts, which are always positive and motivating, and I was surprised at how well they resonated with me and where I was in my life. I thought I was a confident woman who was strong and had a plan for her life, however, I was also heartbroken, overwhelmed, and confused about what kind of life I actually wanted.

Post after post, Quezzy the CEO, touched on what mattered the most: believing in yourself, never giving up, holding yourself accountable and to a higher standard. To say that I was getting hooked would be an understatement. I was compelled to read everything he posted so I started at the beginning with his posts from July 2018 after his prison release. Yes, prison. He made bad decisions, he served his time and I would like to clarify that his past does not define him. Followers get a real sense of who he is as a man through his posts and not one of them has disappointed me, not one! Because I started reading a lot of them during my lunch breaks, coworkers would ask questions… …why are you smiling? …you’re looking happy, what are you reading? Evidently, I wear my heart on my sleeve. I always answered honestly, explaining I had started following this guy on Instagram and he used to be a pimp and did time for it but now, he’s a motivator. Of course, because humans can be judgmental, there would be looks, there would be comments but those closest to me also noticed a change in my spirit. I did not care about anyone’s opinion of him or of me for following him. He drew me in with his words. He drew me in with his positivity. He drew me in with who he was presenting himself to be now, not what he was or what he did a decade ago. Playing catch up to posts I missed before following him, I blew up his notifications daily by showing my support or commenting on how his energy was impacting mine. Eventually, I messaged him when I questioned the intentions of my ex and Quezzy’s response was raw and honest, exactly what I needed to hear even though it wasn’t what I wanted to hear. It was the kind of tough love you get from someone who actually cares, someone without a hidden agenda.

On January 1, 2019, Quezzy the CEO started utilizing more of his talents and gave his Instagram followers new content in various media forms. These gems included videos of him spewing out words of wisdom and plot twists, later launching his successful “Ask Quezzy” video series. I asked him for his thoughts on whether or not a strong woman and a strong man could have a successful relationship as this seems to be a recurring issue of mine. His response, like all of them, was sincere, thoughtful, intelligent, and it just made sense! He’ll be the first to tell you that he is not an expert but his life experiences and keen observation has afforded him an old soul knowledge that is a rare find these days. He has produced an amazing collection of motivational videos as well as videos of him just sitting in his living room chatting about his opinions on various human issues, all of which can be found on his YouTube channel. I reference this subscription whenever I am in need of some motivation or a reminder to take a step back for some reflection. When I was finally caught up on every post, I knew I had to read his book P.I.M.P. Positivity Is My Purpose. That, too, did not disappoint. He admits that he is not a writer but his personal story is colorful and inspiring.


When I say that Quezzy the CEO is my inner voice I never knew I needed I mean that he has inspired me in so many incredible and unimaginable ways. I am more focused on my relationship goals where previously I would blindly jump into another bad situations. I am still living single while trying to finalize a divorce, working on growing into the best me I’ve ever been instead of trying to find just anyone to fill space beside me. When I am lonely he reminds me that I am being given this time to accomplish something great. When I find myself losing patience with people or situations around me he reminds me to stay true to myself…my kind, beautiful, intelligent self. He has literally inspired me to create again and I started with two paintings of him! I consider myself to be a good person doing her best to navigate life and we all know how much of a roller coaster life can be. Being a strong woman without her father or any brothers, it has been beneficial for me to have access to the thoughts and opinions of a man who is striving to be an ambassador of positivity. Like he always says… sometimes, all we really need is an outside opinion and just so you know, you can always ask Quezzy.


Website: https://www.quezzytheceo.com

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChAXWxSRx5fWD0q603ZInVA

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quezzytheceo/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QuezzyTheCEO