The Most In-Vogue Matchmaker

Love is the one thing that never seems to go out of style. But in an ever-changing dating culture, fashioning yourself a lasting romance can prove tricky. Online dating platforms are glutted with catfish, swindlers, window shoppers, and sexual exhibitionists. Bars and clubs aren’t much more appealing—nothing sexier than slurred speech, glassy eyes simultaneously looking different directions, and gauche dance moves.

With cuffing season in full swing, the hunt is on for many singles. What is cuffing season? According to Collins Dictionary (2017) cuffing season is defined as “the period of autumn and winter, when single people are considered likely to seek settled relationships rather than engage in casual affairs”. But how does a one shift from #hotgirlsummer to #relationshipgoals when the options to meet quality singles seem bleak?

During my professional and personal research, I discovered how to find quality singles and perhaps even love. Matchmaking! But I’m not talking about any ordinary matchmaker. I met the only matchmaker and dating coach who is also a certified psychological researcher. No bait and switch here, just the art of matchmaking imbued with the science of psychology!

Brandan Rader, M.S. has worked as a psychological researcher for about 10-years investigating first-date-to-wedding-date to cull techniques to help people find their ideal partners and shape their dream relationships.

“My academic foundation and professional experience have provided me with understanding into the deepest webbings of human nature. My passion for research into human behavior and interpersonal relationships helps reveal patterns on a societal and individual level.”

Brandan has worked with celebrities, the glitterati, and your everyday successful person. Without name dropping, let’s just say he has helped one of Hollywood’s sweethearts and our favorite “Friends” get back into the dating world. He is the only dating expert with a confirmed 90% success rate. He administers a quarterly survey to his former clients to inquire on how many people have had success in dating, relationships, and love as a result of working with him. I can attest to this success myself!

Matchmaking not in the budget? Brandan has 3 programs that have helped hundreds of people attract quality singles, ignite that coveted spark, and develop relationships with REAL potential! A price range for every pocketbook! To share the love, I asked Brandan for one tip from each of these programs to help people have a successful cuffing season.

  1. The Breakup Comeback: Release the heartbreak to make room for love and become the best version of yourself in and out of a relationship. Brandan says, “Most people don’t know how to sublimate their breakup into a breakthrough. The best part of a bad breakup is the comeback, which is why I created The 30-Day Breakup Comeback.” He recommends mourning the end of the relationship while celebrating a new beginning by writing a letter to yourself. In the letter you should acknowledge the positives of your last relationship, what you will miss/may have lost, what you learned from the relationship experience, and what type of partner/relationship you plan to have in the future.
  2. The Attraction Diet: Eat for sex-appeal. Spoiler alert, this has nothing to do with how you look. Brandan reports, “Research shows certain dietary items can make you sexier on a biochemical level.” Two items from his “attraction diet” are fiber supplements and probiotic supplements with Lactobacillus reuteri. Microbiota play a role in attraction and increased fiber feeds your microbiota. The probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri has been found to increase levels of oxytocin which modulates social bonding.
  3. How to Date with Style: Dress to attract. Brandan explains, “ Dating specific attire is a strategic way dress on a date to psychologically communicate your level of interest and elicit the desired response. Remember courting is a ritual found throughout the animal kingdom” He advises people to a wear smart-casual look on the first date, an upscale-sexy look on the second date, and comfortable-playful look on the third date “which should be an activity-based date.” He offers a styling service intended to help singles curate dating specific attire that taps into the primal courting process!

I wish I had more page space to share the wealth of knowledge with which Brandan provided me, but since I’m limited here, I suggest you follow him on Instagram at @BrandanRaderOfficial, on TikTok @PsychedAboutYou, or connect with him at and apply for the service that best fashions your needs!